
Michael O'Leary


Michael O'Leary: (關於冬季停飛飛機以減低運能) ...the important thing is that's not due to higher oil prices, it's due to very high airport cost. In place regulated monopoly like Stansted and Dublin where you have idiot regulator rubber-stamping price increases in the face of all economic reality. We are looking forward to the Competition Commission report later this year which I think will recommend the breakup of BAA monopoly. And it's the the other side of the high oil prices, high oil price does focus on the industry, on some of these crazy costs: monopoly airports - they are gone; all this environmental taxation rubbish that has been prated on and about by European Commission last year - now they gotta deal with the reality of bankrupt airlines all over Europe. I think everybody has seen the end of this environmental tittle-tattle and frankly I'm delighted.

Louisa Bojesen: That would be one view of that, I have a lot of...

Michael O'Leary: Always the optimist!
